Tits' and Meeps' ever popular changing room Animal Facts have now been given an online presence! No doubt more will be supplied by them during the coming season! So have a look and see what useless information you can impress your mates with!
Total number of facts: 37
Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongue.
provided by: Meeps
Statistically more people are afraid of spiders than of dying.
provided by: Meeps
A Pig's orgasm lasts for around 30 minutes.
provided by: Meeps
Did you know moths are not really attracted to light? Moths fly towards the blackest point which is behind the light.
provided by: Meeps
Cockroaches can change course as many as 25 times in one second; making them the most nimble creatures known.
provided by: Meeps
Elephants are the only animals that can't jump (thankfully !!).
provided by: Meeps
A Cat's urine glows under a black light.
provided by: Meeps
Ostriches live for about 75 years and can reproduce for 50 years.
provided by: Meeps
The Blue Whale's whistle is the loudest noise made by any animal.
provided by: Meeps
No two Giraffes have the same pattern of spots.
provided by: Meeps